Ravelry my library
Ravelry my library


Printable queue: This feature will pop up a list of your entire queue with a prompt to print it.This will give you a spreadsheet identical to that described in the 'Your stash' information further on in this page.


Stash inventory: This feature will download an Excel spreadsheet with your stash data.This will give you a spreadsheet identical to that described in the 'Your library' information further on in this page. Library inventory: This feature will download an Excel spreadsheet with your library data.


However, check the 'Your library' information further on in this page for how to export all your library PDFs in one go!

  • Purchased pattern PDFs: There is actually no native Ravelry feature that does this, the page only links you to your list of purchases.

    When I tried it, it told me it would include user profile, project data, project photo files (large size, max 1600 pixels square), stash data, stash photo files (large size, max 1600 pixels square), queue, forum posts, messages, comments, favourites, bundles, library listing, and purchase/download receipt links but not pro account data, avatar images, additional spinning project data, forum images uploaded with extras, PDF files in library, shopping carts, or needle inventory. There is also a feature which allows you to see what the data download will contain. Once it starts, it will complete in minutes for small accounts and after an hour or so for very large accounts." You are also warned that data exports are automatically deleted after 7 days.


    zip file (until the download is ready, there will be a message explaining the process, such as "Your export is queued and will start in 10 minutes or less. You'll see information about when your request was submitted, its status, and a download link to a. When you click the 'export data' button under this option, a request will be submitted.

  • Download your data: Most data is in JSON format.
  • This will take you to a page where you can take a number of actions:
  • If you hover over your avatar in the top right corner of the Ravelry screen, one of the options in the menu that flies out is 'export data'.
  • See the Tips to improve your Ravelry experience page for a list of apps which let you interact with Ravelry without being on the Ravelry website.
  • Edit: oh and there will be a Rav importer tool for the files you get when you export your data from here." Now with an Instagram account and a Twitter account. I swear that I will use my powers for good with your info. We don’t have a mailing list set up yet but you can message me contact info and I will add you as soon as we do. Accessibility is the first thing on our list and we will be hiring accordingly. There will be forums but they are awhile off yet.

    ravelry my library

    We are partnering with someone from LSG to build a journal/database platform with lots of privacy controls that will be CRAFT AGNOSTIC. After making an offer to buy Ravelry and ended up ignored we are taking the money and building a replacement.

  • Ravelry user ikkleknitter announced the following in the 'lazy, stupid, and godless' board on Ravelry (post #8563 in the 'Do we have a Plan B?' thread) on March 23: "Given that all this s**t is starting to escalate and plans aren’t happening the way I hoped I have a big announcement.
  • Yarn Database has searches for designers, yarn, and fibre, and the ability to save favourites, with no surprise Ravelry links.
  • ravelry my library

  • There's another new site in the works called ribblr: website | Instagram (contains more info).
  • I'm not sure how knit/crochet-ish it is, but Textillia is "a community of sewists, quilters, and textile artists".
  • ( Note: I have absolutely zero idea how much skill or ability she and her husband have to put something this together, I am only providing the link here for the purposes of awareness.) You can check out updates and more resources via the welcome article which is on the Fiber.Club blog.

    ravelry my library

    Knitter Liza Rico wants to put together an alternative, accessible fibre platform called Fiber.Club, and has a GoFundMe for it.

    ravelry my library

  • LoveCrafts has quite a bit of the functionality of Ravelry, since they have database connectivity among designers, patterns, yarns, and projects.
  • NEW: Review/explanation of a few of the alternative sites mentioned here.
  • Note that if you can't even get on Ravelry in the first place to even begin moving your stuff off Ravelry, this Twitter thread might be helpful.

    Ravelry my library