In the beginning of the song, spring came and the singer awoke. "The Story" 6.The song starts with the classic Japanese theme of nature. And yes, San Dimas High School Football Rules. If Bill and Ted needed to write an "excellent" report on music instead of history, they'd be hard pressed to find a better couple of guides than Ami and Yumi. Puffy AmiYumi possess an eclectic, genre-bending sound that is like a musical time capsule - they succeed in paying homage to their influences while kicking down the doors around them to breakthrough with their own unique sound and attitude. This track could close out most albums, but with Splurge Puffy AmiYumi have got rock energy to spare. I'd thought that this would be enough, but then Puffy brings it again with "The Story" - a can't miss power-pop track that hits somewhere between Liz Phair and the Donnas. "Etude" sounds like a Japanese tribute to Bobby Darin's timeless "Dream Lover." Then right after that, they hit with "Go Baby Power Now" - an upbeat rockabilly track thanks to Jon Spencer that brings back memories of Hank Williams. Each track seems to channel a different musical genre and decade. As this album progresses Puffy AmiYumi show that they're not going to be limited by a label, and this is their greatest strength. This is followed by "Radio Tokyo", a spacey, arena rock anthem that is filled with classic rock chords, a face-melting solo, and even a string arrangement. It moves with an infectious energy that begs its audience to jump up and down. Next up on this musical trek through time comes a punk-ska track, "Tokyo I'm On My Way" that's reminiscent of the punk-ska movement of the early-mid 90's. This song has a great call and response chorus that's backed up with a banging guitar riff that leads into a synth progression that completes the track. Just listening to it for the first few bars reminds me of "Mickey", by Toni Basil along with shades of "My Sharona", by the Knack. Right out of the gates, Puffy drops "Call Me What You Like", which is an upbeat crowd-pleaser that declares that they're all about what it means to rock. The album is filled with energy and a creative spirit that is reflected by the fact that Jon Spencer, Dexter Holland of the Offspring, and Butch Walker a writer-producer for Avril Lavigne and Pink all worked on the album. Throughout the album they sing songs in both Japanese and English while rocking all the way. They've come on strong showcasing their range and maturity from start to finish. With Splurge, Puffy AmiYumi have released their most accessible record to date. That tragedy aside, the theme song is an infectious rock anthem that at the same time manages to sound dated, but extremely current by featuring a surf rock guitar that resembles "Bustin' Surfboards," by The Tornadoes mixed with electro-punk production from the can't miss J-Rock band, POLYSICS. Before that, for the superhero in all of us, they provided the theme song to Teen Titans (the bonus track on this album), which, much to the chagrin of loyal fans, is no longer in production.

In fact, they were on tour last year to support the show and its soundtrack. Since 2004, this dynamic duo has had their own cartoon show, Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, and it's still running strong. So far, American fans probably know Puffy AmiYumi best from their exposure on Cartoon Network. reporter, "I just wanted to look at the rejection letter to see what they would put in the note to say sorry." But once she was paired with Yumi, Sony had exactly what they were looking for in Puffy AmiYumi - thanks to Andy Sturmer (formerly of Jellyfish), one of their producers, who gave the girls their name. At the time, Ami was skeptical that anything could possibly happen. While Ami was putting together a demo for Sony, Yumi was auditioning for a management company that was looking for a variety of performers, actors as well as musicians. As coincidence would have it, in 1995, Ami and Yumi were both trying their hands at becoming solo artists in Japan by taking advantage of various talent searches.