Meld into stone 3.5
Meld into stone 3.5

That fits the narrative of what's happening in the game world and does not lead us to the conclusion that the wizard will teleport across the room and possibly through doors and walls before the spell effect occurs. Since your familiar is the one who touches the surface, it's reasonable to rule that the familiar is the one that melds into the stone.

meld into stone 3.5

While we are not obliged to assume that all "you"s are identical, it seems absurd to come to the conclusion that the line " you step into the stone at a point you can touch" should refer to two different "you"s. The Players Handbook v.3.5 is a core sourcebook for the 3.5th-edition of Dungeons & Dragons® ruleset. As players and DMs, we'll have to interpret which entity each "you" is referring to when we hit this particular situation. Spells generally assume that the "you" who is doing things in the spell description (like, say, touching a stone surface) is the same "you" that cast the spell, which is not always true when you start using a familiar. Honestly, it's to the credit of the developers that it happens as little as it does! There are often weird corner-case interactions when you start combining spell effects or class features from different classes. This is really going to be up to the DM, but Option 1 is probably the most reasonable outcome. Another is casting meld with stone with the distant spell metamagic. One is casting plane shift through the touch of a familiar. Of course, there may be some other possibilities I've missed.Ī few other situations seem related. When the spell ends, you exit the stone at the location that the familiar occupied at the time that the spell was cast. Using your movement, you step into the stone at a point you can touch. You meld with the stone at the point of the familiar's touch. Meld into Stone 3rd-level transmutation (ritual) You step into a stone object or surface large enough to fully contain your body, melding yourself and all the equipment you carry with the stone for the duration. You (the caster) meld with the stone at the place that the familiar touched, assuming other requirements are met (notably, 100 foot maximum distance between you and the familiar.) At the time that the spell ends, you return to the exact place that you were when you cast the spell, rather than adjacent to the wall you entered. The familiar touches and melds with the stone. I can imagine three possibilities, none of which seem very appealing:

meld into stone 3.5

What would happen when a caster delivers a meld with stone spell through the touch of their familiar? Endless adventure and untold excitement await Prepare to venture forth with your bold companions into a world of heroic fantasy. One way to deliver touch-range spells is through the touch of one's familiar. The Players Handbook v.3.5 is a core sourcebook for the 3.5 th -edition of Dungeons & Dragons ® ruleset. (See Can the Meld Into Stone spell be cast on someone else? for related.) When the spell ends, the caster exits the stone at the place entered. Meld into stone is a touch-range spell that melds the caster with the stone that he or she touches for the duration of the spell.

Meld into stone 3.5